
Call for Papers

for Volume: 3 and Issue: 1

The Journal of Business Insight and Innovation (JBII) is a leading peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research that advances the understanding of contemporary business challenges and opportunities. JBII invites scholarly contributions from researchers, practitioners, and industry experts across diverse business disciplines.

Areas of Interest for Volume 3 Issue 1:

We are particularly interested in receiving submissions on the following topics:

  • The Impact of Technological Disruptions on Business Models and Strategies: Explore the transformative effects of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and big data analytics, on traditional business models, competitive landscapes, and strategic decision-making processes.

  • Sustainability and Socially Responsible Business Practices: Examine the integration of sustainability principles and social responsibility initiatives into corporate strategies, operations, and supply chain management practices.

  • Navigating Global Economic Volatility and Uncertainty: Analyze the implications of global economic trends, political shifts, and geopolitical tensions on business operations, risk management strategies, and market expansion opportunities.

  • Emerging Trends in Leadership and Organizational Development: Investigate innovative approaches to leadership, organizational culture, and employee engagement that foster innovation, adaptability, and resilience in the face of evolving business challenges.

  • The Future of Work and the Changing Role of Human Capital: Explore the impact of technological advancements, demographic shifts, and evolving work-life expectations on the future of work, skills requirements, and human capital management strategies.