High Performance Work Systems, Employees Retention, and Employees Performance in Higher Education of Business Schools in Pakistan


  • Jaweria Tariq Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi
  • Dr. Fatima Abrar Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi
  • Dr. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman Universiti Malaya, Malaysia


Business Schools, Employees Retention, Employees Performance, High Performance Work Systems, Higher Educational Institutions, Pakistan


The impact of High Performance Work Systems (HPWS) on performance and staff retention in Pakistani business schools was examined in this study. It specifically looked into the effects on faculty members' performance when HPWS methods are used. Additionally, the study investigated how "Employee Turnover" mediated the association between HPWS and performance. Based on the Job Demand-Resource Model's (JD-R) theoretical framework, the study developed a model and evaluated some hypotheses. Questionnaires from 17 universities in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, which included 251 faculty members from different Pakistani business schools, were used for data gathering. The main tool for data analysis was SPSS version 24, which is the Statistical Package for Social Sciences.

The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to evaluate the measured constructs' internal consistency and reliability. The proposed relationships were subsequently investigated using correlation and linear regression techniques. The results of the study showed that HPWS adoption was positively correlated with staff retention and performance. Notably, the study also verified that the association between HPWS and performance is mediated by staff retention. The study's conclusion indicates that faculty member performance in Pakistani business schools is likely to benefit from a greater emphasis on HPWS procedures, with staff retention playing a critical role in this dynamic.


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Author Biographies

Jaweria Tariq, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi.

Dr. Fatima Abrar, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi

IPFP, Department of Business Administration, Rawalpindi Women University, Rawalpindi.

Dr. Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia

Post-Doc Fellow & Faculty Member, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia and NDU, Pakistan.



How to Cite

Tariq, J., Abrar, D. F., & Zia-ur-Rehman, D. M. (2024). High Performance Work Systems, Employees Retention, and Employees Performance in Higher Education of Business Schools in Pakistan. Journal of Business Insight and Innovation, 3(1), 1–10. Retrieved from https://insightfuljournals.com/index.php/JBII/article/view/25