The Artificial Intelligence Driven Digital Finance Frontier: Unleashing Innovation and Growth
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Economic crises, Digital Transactions, Digital Finance, e-Finance, PredictionAbstract
This research study discusses the growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital finance, also known as e-finance. The authors highlight the transformative impact of AI on the financial industry, enabling investors and stakeholders to make informed decisions, predict market trends, and optimize transactions. They emphasize the sensitive nature of e-finance due to the financial data involved and the potential for errors to lead to economic crises or individual/corporate bankruptcy. The authors acknowledge the recent emergence of e-finance and the ongoing efforts to refine its concepts and methodologies. They aim to provide an overview of the scientific development of e-finance, identify key areas of current research, and explore the potential future directions of this field. The study emphasizes the increasing adoption of AI in digital finance, highlighting its ability to enhance decision-making, prediction capabilities, and transaction optimization. AI's impact on the financial industry is acknowledged, particularly in enabling investors and stakeholders to make informed decisions based on predictive insights. The study underscores the sensitivity of e-finance due to the financial data involved and the potential for errors to have significant consequences. The author acknowledges the relative newness of e-finance, with ongoing efforts to develop and refine its concepts and methodologies. The authors outline their intention to provide an overview of the scientific development of e-finance, identify key areas of current research, and explore the potential future directions of this field. The study concludes that the growing importance of AI in digital finance, its transformative impact on the industry, and the ongoing research efforts to further develop and refine this field.
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